Update to Traveller's Caravan

The last weeks have seen us doing a lot of behind the scenes and under the hood work on Traveller’s Caravan. We have finalised all models, created their UVs and replaced the blockouts in our project with these finished models. We’ve also tweaked some technical aspects of the game and squashed some bugs that have popped up along the way.

We now have a functional menu which seamlessly transitions to game play. Ting has set up some camera animations that move from an overview for our menu scene that smoothly transitions into our gameplay scene.

All models have been added to the game and placeholders have been replaced with their final models. The next step will be to texture these models for the final build of the game. We have also added a free package to build the scene around our game scene to flesh out the world a little further and not just have a caravan floating in space.

We will also need to clean up the menu and create our own UI assets.

We have finally programmed a menu into our game. This allows the player to start the game or quit the game. We’ve hooked the play function up to a camera animation to smoothly transition into the game from the menu.

We do still need some more menu options like a replay/return to menu once the game has been completed. We’re hoping to implement this very soon!

We are currently cleaning up the project to put out a beta build so we can get testing and feedback underway. The core gameplay mechanics are working and the end game models are in place so the game is in a playable and nearly finished state.

Next up we want to add all our textures to the game and fix any bugs that come up during our current testing phase. We hope to get this out of the way over the next couple of weeks and possibly look into adding new features.

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